Early Music/Baroque

Niels Swinkels - February 10, 2015

Bach's musical cousins got a highly satisfactory hearing from the historical performance specialists.

Niels Swinkels - December 9, 2014

With all due respect to the fine orchestra and lauded guest soloists, it was the voices of the Philharmonia Baroque Chorale that made their “Joyous Christmas” concert an evening to remember.

Niels Swinkels - November 15, 2014

There was so much energy and uplift to the Philharmonia Baroqueʼs concert with countertenor Andreas Scholl, it felt like a party.

Michael Zwiebach - June 3, 2013

Hats off to Susan McMane, who will be taking her Young Women’s Choral Projects charges through a sampling of music, including Galuppi’s marvelous Dixit Dominus.

Michael Zwiebach - April 30, 2013

It has become a tradition for Chamber Music San Francisco to offer the Brandenburg Concertos on Mother’s Day weekend. 

Michael Zwiebach - April 26, 2013

For its final regular season concert, American Bach Soloists will present Handel’s dramatic cantata Apollo e Dafne (1709-1710). 

Michael Zwiebach - April 17, 2013

Jepetha, one of the greatest music dramas ever penned, promises to be a fine performance.

Michael Zwiebach - March 28, 2013

It might seem crazy to some, but the Bay Area is hosting two great harpsichordists in concerts on the same day over the first April weekend.

Michael Zwiebach - March 8, 2013

Cantare con Vivo is doing Sergei Rachmaninov’s deeply moving Vespers (All-Night Vigil) as their spring concert. 

Michael Zwiebach - March 8, 2013

Clerestory, the men’s choral group that is partly a spin-off from Chanticleer, is back in action on the weekend, with a program they’re calling “Bacchanalia”, a celebration of spring and music about springtime appetites.