Early Music/Baroque

Michael Zwiebach - March 8, 2013

Cantare con Vivo is doing Sergei Rachmaninov’s deeply moving Vespers (All-Night Vigil) as their spring concert. 

Michael Zwiebach - March 8, 2013

Clerestory, the men’s choral group that is partly a spin-off from Chanticleer, is back in action on the weekend, with a program they’re calling “Bacchanalia”, a celebration of spring and music about springtime appetites.

Michael Zwiebach - March 6, 2013

This is a decorous early-music concert featuring the marvelous soprano Laura Heimes, trumpeter-extraordinaire John Thiessen, and the crew from Voices of Music, faves of SFCV and famed already for their widely-viewed YouTube and Vimeo channels.

Michael Zwiebach - February 13, 2013

San Francisco Chamber Orchestra Artistic Director Ben Simon always concocts a hook that appeals to me and puts me in the mood to hear a concert.

Michael Zwiebach - January 30, 2013

The Bay Area is so awash in great early music players, that when San Francisco Early Music Society decided to feature more local groups on their programming, it opened itself to more diversity than probably anyone but the local HIP community knew was out there.

Michael Zwiebach - January 14, 2013

Last year’s performance of J.S. Bach’s St. Matthew Passion by the American Bach Soloists was predictably one of the highlights of the spring season.

Jonathan Rhodes Lee - December 16, 2012

Under the baton of an acclaimed guest conductor, Philharmonia Baroque offers a joyful program of Christmas cheer.

Michael Zwiebach - November 28, 2012

Magen Solomon’s San Francisco Choral Artists, having justreceived a favorable review in Fanfare for their recent With Strings Attached CD, should makeanyone’s shortlist of choral concerts to attend.

Thomas Busse - October 29, 2012

A good community choir singing masterworks of Renaissance polyphony gets a passing grade and an A+ for effort.

Michael Zwiebach - September 26, 2012

This is music that we’re used to hearing from the Bay Area’s
old hands, so it will be interesting to hear the NextGen interpretations.