Early Music/Baroque

Michelle Dulak Thomson - January 5, 2012

Star violinist Elizabeth Blumenstock, in flight, doesn’t alight anywhere until she’s done, and she generally dazzles you before she deigns to perch on the smallest twig.

Jonathan Rhodes Lee - October 28, 2011

You probably haven't heard the music on these two CDs, but the high quality of the compositions and the playing will make you sit up and pay attention.

Michelle Dulak Thomson - June 7, 2011

Tanya Tomkins takes her sweet time on a new Bach disc, revealing a wealth of musical wisdom.

Trista Bernstein - March 1, 2011

The upcoming Philharmonia Baroque concerts unexpectedly celebrate the friendship of two singers.

Joseph Sargent - August 24, 2009

An aura of glamour seems to surround the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra these days. Its 2009-2010 season, auspiciously titled the “Season of Stars,” is tailor-made for the glitterati, with a lineup of celebrity guest artists that is exceptional even for this ensemble, including Susan Graham, Viktoria Mullova, and Jordi Savall.

Michelle Dulak Thomson - April 28, 2009
It’s a strange sensation, finally hearing in the flesh an ensemble you’ve wanted to hear in concert for a couple of decades. Judging by the friends I met and talked to at the Quatuor Mosaïques’ Bay Area debut Wednesday at Berkeley’s First Congregational Church, I’m not alone in having followed the quartet for decades without having had an opportunity to hear them live.
Michael Zwiebach - April 20, 2009

The Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra and their indefatigable music director, Nicholas McGegan, were in top form as they tore into Handel’s oratorio Athalia Saturday night. That means that a writer can only cast about for enough synonyms for the word wonderful.

Jonathan Rhodes Lee - April 20, 2009
You don't very often encounter ensembles specializing in music of the French salon. Even more rarely do you get to hear a pardessus de viol duo. Put those two conditions together and you've got the Catacoustic Consort, whose debut on the San Francisco Early Music Society's concert series (heard Saturday at St.
Janos Gereben - April 14, 2009
Nicholas McGegan
Music Director Nicholas McGegan and Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra conclude their 28th season with Handel’s Athalia (see
Joseph Sargent - April 6, 2009

An unmistakable allure surrounds concerts that bring long-neglected music into the new light of day. Aside from the sheer novelty of presenting repertory otherwise seldom available in concert or on recordings, these efforts can prove highly memorable for the listener, who comes away with a distinct feeling of having experienced something special.