Autumn Elegies

Presented by Teatro Mistral

an open grand piano acting as a window out into an autumn landscape surrounded by fall covered leaves and the event information.

Greetings Opera Cocktales Fans, Friends and Family!!

YES, It's officially FALL!! The Autumnal Equinox, one of two moments each year when day and night are of approximately equal length, has passed. In one of the many Pagan or Wiccan traditions, this equinox is called Mabon, and is considered a time of gratitude for the bountiful harvest the earth has given us!
Now, I don't know about you, but, we at Opera Cocktales feel that, considering the current state of things, any opportunity or reminder of what we can celebrate or be grateful for, is welcome!!

So, why not JOIN US???... the bountiful, celebratory spirit of the piano bar at our favorite location...Martuni's, of course!!

Sit back and relax with friends at your favorite front row table while Indulging in the best cocktails or mocktails in town....

while we SING for you....

Now....what could be better than that?


(Opera Cocktales is produced by @Teatromistral)

City: San Francisco
Price Range:
Free with Cocktail Purchase!

Program Items

Verdi, Mozart, Massenet, Bellini and others... Arias, duets and scenes from the operatic world


Nicole Lopez-Hagen coloratura soprano
Justin Marsh tenor
Jeff Jones bass
Tristan Robben baritone
Vismaya Lhi spinto soprano/director
Dara Phung collaborative pianist

Martuni's Piano Bar

Martuni's Piano Bar

4 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
United States