Songs & Stories: Amy Fogerson

Presented by Piedmont Piano Company

Vocalist and poet Amy Fogerson sings songs that represent the different hats she has worn as a singer: student, chorister, soloist, teacher, lyricist. There will be music by Alan Chapman, Reena Esmail, and Dante de Silva, as well as songs composed by 5th graders and women experiencing houselessness in Los Angeles, accompanied by pianist Paul McCurdy. She’ll share stories about making a living as a non-famous singer, her work with LA-based nonprofit organization Street Symphony, and collaborating with composers as a poet. Followed by audience Q & A. Hosted by vocalist Sharmila G. Lash.

City: Oakland
Price Range:
$25 advanced / $30 at the door


Amy Fogerson voice
Paul G. McCurdy piano
Sharmila G. Lash voice

Piedmont Piano Company

Piedmont Piano Company

1728 San Pablo Avenue
Oakland, CA 94612
United States