The acclaimed Stanford Afro-Latin Jazz Ensemble, directed by Murray Low, presents their first performance of the academic year! This evening event will feature an exciting mix of music spanning the full breadth of Afro-Latin jazz - starting with its Afro-Folkloric roots, through Cuban Son, to classic and modern Salsa, and finally to modern latin jazz with songs originating from the North American songbook. The group is also exploring Brazilian music after a several year hiatus. Don't miss hearing and seeing the next generation of talented musicians in this genre. We'll get you moving in your seat, guaranteed.
The event takes place at Stanford's Dinkelspiel Auditorium on the Stanford campus on Saturday, November 16 at 7:30 PM. Advance tickets are available online for $27 general/$22 students and seniors. In addition, the concert is free to Stanford students with valid SUID. For tickets, visit our website at http://latinjazz.stanford.edu and follow the "Buy Tickets" button.
Established in 2008 by Grammy-nominated pianist Murray Low, the ensemble has emerged as one of the premier academic performing groups of its kind. As prior recipients of a prestigious SiCA (Stanford Institute for Creativity and the Arts) grant, SALJE has been affored the opportunity to collaborate with several luminaries in the field of Afro-Latin music that have helped to elevate the ensemble's performance acumen, as well as aid in establishing Stanford as a vital West Coast center for Afro-Latin Jazz.