David Morris and Yuko Tanaka—Ortiz' Ornaments (CHANGE OF DATE/TIME)

Presented by San Francisco Early Music Society

Renaissance and Baroque Ornamentation Set #2

Ortiz’ Ornaments: Recercadas by Diego Ortiz for any melody instrument, with ornaments by YOU and basslines by David Morris (viol) and Yuko Tanaka (harpsichord)


75–90 minutes

You take the lead in at-home performances of works which exemplify a particular school of high-Renaissance ornamentation, all taken from Ortiz’ seminal work, Il trattado de glosas (Rome, 1553).  We’ll spend the first part of class with a discussion about the nature and structure of these didactic and creative works and spend the rest of the time playing through them through the wonder of Zoom.

Materials will be sent ahead of the class.

Price Range: