SFCMP 2020 - 2021 Season

Presented by San Francisco Contemporary Music Players

SAT, APR 10 and SAT, JULY 10 @8PM Pacific webcast and available on demand for 30 days

at the CROSSROADS series
PostScript to the Future

at the CROSSROADS concert

This year’s at the CROSSROADS series reflects an ongoing exploration of music that exists in the innovative realms of cross-genre connectivity. The Contemporary Players join their trans-Atlantic compatriots at Ensemble Intercontemporain by co-commissioning a new work from NYC-based composer and multi-instrumentalist Tyshawn Sorey, whose fluency across stylistic streams has distinguished him as one of the most compelling voices in contemporary music today. Connecting the threads to a figure that Sorey has long considered a key inspiration for his work, we spotlight the life and legacy of composer and longtime Bay Area resident Olly Wilson, a close friend and collaborator of the Contemporary Players for years. Jazz-trained cellist and composer Tomeka Reid joins the conversation, along with the premiere of our annual SF Search for Scores winning composition, framing an emerging generation of composers whose work launches out on divergent paths along the same cross-genre trajectories.

SUN, MAY 23,  2021 @ 3PM Pacific webcast and available on demand for 30 days

in the COMMUNITY series
Sound Encounters
in collaboration with CNMAT, UC Berkeley

For this year’s in the COMMUNITY series event, we invite everyone to experience sound art in a virtual environment, as we explore a range of fascinating electro-acoustic works of Bay Area origins. SFCMP percussionist Chris Froh kicks off the program with his uniquely personal interpretation of a famous work by James Tenney, followed by performances of pieces by three of the Bay Area’s leading sound artists from the Center for New Music and Audio Technologies at U.C. Berkeley: Jon Kulpa, Maija Hynninen, and Jon Yu.

FRI, JUNE 18, 2021 @8PM Pacific webcast and available on demand for 30 days

on STAGE series
Voices in Reverberation

In our on STAGE series, we shine a spotlight on West Coast composers to celebrate some of the brightest luminaries from the Bay Area. Resident rockstar John Adams demonstrates his technical prowess in the riveting, large-ensemble work Son of Chamber Symphony. We present a new work by Caroline Shaw commissioned exclusively by San Francisco Contemporary Music Players, written for instrumental quartet and celebrated Bay Area sound artist and vocalist Pamela Z . The inexpressible Amadeus Regucera thrills us with textual utterances and deep breaths and Los Angeles’ Andrew Norman takes us on a sonic journey through the interior light of the Basilica of Saint Sabina.

SAT, JUNE 26, 2021 8PM Pacific webcast and available on demand for 30 days

50th Celebration and Benefit Concert

50th year celebration

For five decades, the Contemporary Players’ activities have helped to define and advance the new music scene in the city of San Francisco and beyond. We celebrate that legacy with an intimate concert highlighting the solo and chamber music artistry of players from SFCMP’s roster of virtuosi, sharing works by celebrated living composers that are among their personal favorite ‘party pieces,’ and in some cases were written specifically for them. This exclusive evening with the Contemporary Players, in commemoration of the 50th season and in support of many more ahead, is an historic, one-of-a-kind event that you won’t want to miss.

Price Range:
$150, 10% off season subscription using code "SFCMP50"