JAMOnline: Handel's Heroes & Villains — Episode 1: Joseph

Presented by Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra & Chorale

PBO’s Jews & Music/JAMOnline announces a new series within a series: Handel’s Heroes & Villains, exploring the rich personalities of the Old Testament who bring to life the stories, fury, and passions that lurk beneath the heroes and villains that figure prominently in Handel’s epic operas and oratorios.

Episode 1 — Joseph: We start with the story of Joseph — a tale of paternal jealousy, immigration, human trafficking, seduction, court intrigue, dreams, and possibly love. Music Director Richard Egarr and Jews & Music Scholar-in-Residence Francesco Spagnolo rethink this narrative, intersecting the Old Testament and its commentaries with the music of Handel’s Joseph and His Brethren. Written in 1743 and performed and recorded most recently by Philharmonia in 2017, this oratorio carries us through the many tales of family drama.

Teaser: Future episodes tackle the mighty and the fallen in Handel’s Saul, Esther, and Belshazzar from the Book of Daniel, just to get us started.


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Program Items

HANDEL Selections from Joseph and His Brethren


Francesco Spagnolo Scholar in Residence
Richard Egarr Music Director
Diana Moore mezzo-soprano
Sherezade Panthaki soprano
Nicholas Phan tenor