Presented by PARTCH Ensemble

The Grammy Award winning PARTCH Ensemble returns to REDCAT with seven new works for Partch instruments from Los Angeles-based composers Daniel Corral, Anne LeBaron, Ulrich Krieger, Daniel Rothman, John Schneider, T.J. Troy, and Alex Wand. The second half features the premiere of Sarah Swenson's choreography of Harry Partch's Castor & Pollux "A Dance for the Twin Rhythms of Gemini.” The New York Times has celebrated her work as “…wonderful rollicking, hunkering wildness…”  This virtual event will culminate in an online virtual discussion with the composers, choreographer, and ensemble members. 

“Funny, moving, inventive and insanely theatrical… an unforgettable performance." -The San Francisco Chronicle

“Outlandish.” -The New York Times

Price Range:

Program Items

Harry Partch Castor & Pollux (premiere Choreography)
Daniel Corral San Antonio Peak 1944
Anne LeBaron Double Helix from LSD: Huxley's Last Trip
Ulrich Krieger Over the Edge of the World
Daniel Rothman feel of the needle/when at last/you get the thread through it
John Schneider Listening to Lu Tzu
TJ Troy 5 Corner Square
Alex Wand Darkness within Darkness


PARTCH Ensemble chamber musicians
Sarah Swenson Dance Dancers