Matthew Bengtson

Presented by Old First Concerts

Pianist Matthew Bengtson’s repertoire ranges from William Byrd to the works of living composers. This program will highlight works by composers with whom he has enjoyed relationships, including the World Premiere of Roberto Sierra’s Piano Sonata no. 13, dedicated to him. His recent recording of Sierra’s piano works earned the prestigious Melómano de Oro award in Spain, called “among the most thrilling piano recordings I’ve heard in recent years,” (Fanfare), and an “eleven on a scale of one to ten” (Doce Notas). Sierra’s Estudios been called “the next set of studies to be surmounted by serious pianists” (American Record Guide). Currently Associate Professor at the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre and Dance, Bengtson features works by renowned composers William Bolcom and Pinchas (Paul) Schoenfeld, both of whom he met there. Prior to his post at Michigan, Bengtson was active in Philadelphia, where he collaborated with numerous outstanding composers, including Ingrid Arauco, Curt Cacioppo, and Luke Carlson, whose music he will feature in this recital in west coast premieres.

City: San Francisco
Price Range:
$25 for in-person / by donation for livestream

Program Items

Pinchas (Paul) Schoenfeld Peccadilloes (excerpts)
Ingrid Arauco Meditation (Glocken)
Curt Cacioppo Cicle Metamorfico sul nome d'un Maestro (excerpts)
Roberto Sierra Piano Sonata no. 13 (World Premiere)
Luke Carlson Patterns (excerpts)
William Bolcom Twelve New Etudes, No. 10 - Vers le silence
Roberto Sierra Estudios rítmicos y sonoros (excerpts)


Matthew Bengtson piano

Old First Presbyterian Church

Old First Presbyterian Church

1751 Sacramento Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
United States