The prize-winning Danish-Latvian ensemble brings truly unique and innovative chamber music experience to audiences. CARION fascinates with its carefully choreographed and dramatized performances of classical and modern works, making music on stage visible. Musical structures are visualized through steps, movements and formations and the distribution of roles within the instruments is made visible, inspiring and delighting audiences and critics alike.
No chairs. No music stands, nothing. The way Carion fill the stage with musical and emotional content is something remarkable –
Allgemeine Zeitung
CARION’S fresh approach to chamber music has brought acclaimed performances in Europe’s most prestigious festivals like Rheingau Festival, Beethovenfest Bonn, Bergen Festival, and has earned standing ovations from audiences of the USA, South America and the Far East. CARION has released 6 highly critically acclaimed CDs – including stellar reviews from Gramophone and BBC magazine, awards from Danish radio and best classical album of 2015 on iTunes. But nothing compares to their trend setting music videos on You Tube that continue generating views counted in millions.
The innovative and colorful programming of the ensemble is made possible by the talent for arranging music for this wind quintet by CARION’s own horn player, DAVID M.A.P. PALMQUIST. The other outstanding members of the CARION are EGĪLS ŠĒFERS, clarinet; EGILS UPATNIEKS. Oboe; DÓRA SERES, Flute and Niels Anders Vedsten Larsen, Bassoon.
The Carion Wind Quintet will provide a rich, adventurous and rewarding chamber music concert presented by Stockton’s Friends of Chamber Music. Come enjoy the concert.
Tickets are $30 and are available in the lobby of Faye Spanos Concert Hall at UOP starting at 2:00 pm, 30 minutes before the concert. Students of any age are admitted free.
The audience is invited to participate in a question and answer program with the artists in the concert hall following the concert.
Friends of Chamber Music concerts are presented in cooperation with Pacific and its Conservatory of Music. For a brochure or more information about the FOCM annual series, please call 209-956-2868 or visit www.chambermusicfriends.org.