For this much-anticipated event, the renowned ensemble Nash Baroque, with soprano Bethany Hill, bring to life tales of love, despair and triumph from 18th century France, with flute, violin, viola da gamba theorbo and harpsichord, in a program entitled "Les Amours des Dieux."
The cantatas of Michel Pignolet de Montéclair and Louis Nicolas Clérambault unfold as miniature dramas featuring mythological Greek gods and humans with all their passions, weaknesses and heartbreak. “Every myth is a drama in human form”, as Gaston Bachelard put it, and these intimate vocal works, together with richly evocative instrumental dance suites of Couperin, Phillidor and LeClair explore timeless themes of love, loss and metamorphosis that echo through the ages.
With Bethany Hill, soprano; Vicki Melin, traverso; Pauline Kempf, baroque violin; Farley Pearce, viola da gamba; Matthew Xie, theorbo, lute, and Katherine Heater, harpsichord