Scott Cmiel

Scott Cmiel is Chair of the guitar and musicianship departments at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music Preparatory Division and Director of the guitar program at San Francisco School of the Arts.

Articles By This Author

Scott Cmiel - November 9, 2012

Benjamin Verdery brandishes his guitar in open and inviting ways, in both familiar songs and insightful commissioned works.

Scott Cmiel - October 29, 2012

The Pacific Guitar Ensemble continues to tap the instrument’s potential with another enticing recital.

Scott Cmiel - October 25, 2012

The Pacific Guitar Ensemble is a group dedicated to keeping this dynamic process alive, and it invites audiences to come along for the ride.

Scott Cmiel - October 1, 2012

Sergio and Odair Assad have been the preeminent classical guitar duo of the last 40 years, having set the standard for technical excellence, sensitive musicianship, and innovative repertoire choices.

Scott Cmiel - September 17, 2012

The Omni Foundation is once again bringing the classiest acts in guitar playing to the Bay Area, with the assistance of San Francisco Performances.

Scott Cmiel - July 19, 2012

What could be sweeter than hearing terrific playing and thought-provoking lectures at a noted guitar fest in the scenic Sierra Nevada?

Scott Cmiel - April 30, 2012

The “indie-classical” duo Living Earth Show performs original material with both raucous good humor and subtlety.

Scott Cmiel - April 30, 2012

Yamandu Costa’s wonderfully expressive playing takes the classical guitar to new heights.

Scott Cmiel - February 27, 2012

An appealing program pairs a flutist with a guitarist, performing classical and jazz works in their own vivid arrangements.

Scott Cmiel - January 29, 2012

An esteemed European guitarist is cheered to the rafters in his second Bay Area recital.