Scott Cmiel

Scott Cmiel is Chair of the guitar and musicianship departments at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music Preparatory Division and Director of the guitar program at San Francisco School of the Arts.

Articles By This Author

Scott Cmiel - November 3, 2013

The Katona Twins Guitar Duo highlighted both the popular and classical roots of the guitar in an unusual and distinctive recital.

Scott Cmiel - July 23, 2013

In San Francisco, that hotbed of world-class guitar performances, a new series is born; Mobius Trio and The Living Earth Show were featured in the wide-ranging inaugural concert.

Scott Cmiel - April 15, 2013

A young winner of an international guitar competition, Vladimir Gorbach, presents a nuanced, passionate performance of little-known works.

Scott Cmiel - March 20, 2013

Meng Su and Yameng Wang are rapidly becoming California celebrities. Their repertoire has an exciting world-music flavor featuring such composers as Brazil’s Sergio Assad and China’s Tan Dun, as well as sensitive interpretations of Spanish classics and the music of J.S. Bach. 

Scott Cmiel - March 19, 2013

Not content with a spectacular performance of a contemporary masterwork, and other meaty fare, Marcin Dylla did actual magic tricks during his encore.

Scott Cmiel - March 4, 2013

Playing the works of composers who were also instrumentalists, guitarist David Russell proves to be their masterful advocate.

Scott Cmiel - February 22, 2013

Polish guitarist Marcin Dylla gave a brilliant and deeply poetic recital in April 2011 and his return to San Francisco is highly anticipated. 

Scott Cmiel - December 10, 2012

To no one’s surprise, guitarist Shin-ichi Fukuda’s recital was both brilliant and varied, studded with classics and fresh works, too.

Scott Cmiel - December 3, 2012

The Japanese guitarist Shin-Ichi Fukuda possesses an astonishingly large repertoire, ranging from the Renaissance to the present day.

Scott Cmiel - November 13, 2012

The Brasil Duo is equally at home on a classical or a world music series, and its innovative programming features a seamless blend of traditional and Brazilian works.