
Georgia Rowe - March 26, 2012

That consummate pianist Richard Goode more than delivers the goods on Mozart, Beethoven, and Chopin.

Niels Swinkels - March 26, 2012

The Eco ensemble road-tests premieres at UC Berkeley, leaving our critic intrigued but finally unmoved.

David Bratman - March 26, 2012

Colorful stage works by a lesser-known French composer of the ’20s and ’30s are well worth a listen.

Jeff Dunn - March 26, 2012

A well-planned program of chamber music presents works both new and time-tested, plus a few attractive incidentals.

Michelle Dulak Thomson - March 20, 2012

Is John Adams really a minimalist? Our critic wonders why, in reviewing a recent CD by the San Francisco Symphony.

Jeff Dunn - March 20, 2012

With songs and a bang, the S.F. Symphony performs challenging works with true glory.

Ken Iisaka - March 19, 2012

A composer/pianist dares to perform his own wintry sonata, alongside several by history’s greats.

Anna Carol Dudley - March 19, 2012

A noted Bach choir delves into the Renaissance, with delightful results in its songs and madrigals.

Janice Berman - March 18, 2012

Artistic Director Robert Battle brings an enhanced repertory and an energized company to Cal Performances.

David Bratman - March 18, 2012

Katarzyna Myćka marimba joins sonorous strings in a program of unusual quintets.