
Jeff Dunn - April 28, 2012

Filling in for an injured Joana Carneiro, Edwin Outwater’s arrival at the Berkeley Symphony didn’t just save the day, his vigorous and focused approach effected an outstanding set of performances.

Jason Victor Serinus - April 24, 2012

The spell-binding baritone Matthias Goerne and his superb accompanist, Leif Ove Andsnes, take listeners on a transcendent artistic journey.

Jason Victor Serinus - April 22, 2012

Handel’s Alexander’s Feast yields a compact masterpiece — fresh, original, beautiful — starring the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra and Chorale.

Jason Victor Serinus - April 20, 2012

A rapt listen to Dead Man Walking recorded from Houston Grand Opera’s 10th anniversary performances confirms that the opera’s brilliantly balanced score amplifies and personalizes the story’s emotional core beyond the realm of words.

Jeff Dunn - April 20, 2012

Mardi Gras, Nubian arabesques, garden insects, enchantments: All great subjects for evocative works of orchestral wizardry at the S.F. Symphony, deftly conducted by Stéphane Denève and superbly performed.

Janos Gereben - April 17, 2012

The Cleveland Orchestra did Veni, Vidi, Vici one too far. Following Caesar's example, this splendid ensemble came, played, and won in Davies Symphony Hall on Sunday and Monday, but then they left, more is the pity.

Jonathan Rhodes Lee - April 16, 2012

Intensely satisfying musical mosaics are offered by Austria’s well-seasoned Quatuor Mosaïques.

Jason Victor Serinus - April 13, 2012

In its world premiere, a new chamber opera by Jack Perla and Rob Bailis gives seven extremely gifted Adler Fellows ample opportunity to make much ado about not very much at all.

Janos Gereben - April 13, 2012

The pianist Yuja Wang defies categories, and her latest CD — a varied, capricious, collection of miniatures — is yet another calling card for a Yuja encore.

Michelle Dulak Thomson - April 11, 2012

Brooklyn Rider string quartet plays just fine outside the mainstream, and even co-composes works for itself.