Lucas Meachem and Andrew Truett have food rules that fuel their singing.
The polyglot nature of modern composition means that style is no longer polemics, and women composers can make the music they need to.
For some, the encounter with the composer’s music is life-changing. What is it about this American original that inspires such devotion?
The jazz saxophonist reimagines his rich musical heritage.
Hope Mohr and others celebrate the choreographer’s legacy with events at ODC.
An SFJAZZ series celebrates the groundbreaking German record label as it turns 50.
A full slate of upcoming concerts reveals a flourishing scene for the passionate art form.
The venerable pairing of spoken verse and improvised music is blooming with new vigor.
Michael Cavanagh’s new production looks to find central themes about American society in The Marriage of Figaro and the two other Mozart-Da Ponte operas.
Move over Hollywood, there’s a new 800-pound gorilla on the block.