
Michelle Dulak Thomson - February 10, 2009

The Bay Area is blessed with enough music-lovers and enough enterprising concert presenters that few musicians spend long at the top rank without swinging through here on some tour or other. Still, I suppose I’m not alone among SFCV readers in anticipating the appearance of musicians I’ve read about (or heard on record), but who’ve not yet performed here.

Janos Gereben - January 30, 2009
Stanford Lively Arts has been at the forefront of local Messiaen centenary year celebrations. In their last presentation, Christopher Taylor returns to the Bay Area with Vingt Regards sur l’Enfant Jésus for solo piano, a lyrical, mystical, and profoundly virtuosic meditation on the nature of the Christ child.
January 30, 2009
The TAGI ensemble, previously known to fans as the New York Lyric Chamber Players, is celebrated for their innovative programming that jumps around different genres. TAGI takes its name from the three Russian musicians: Tatiana Goncharova, piano; Grigory Kalinovsky, violin; and Igor Begelman, clarinet … with no word (or letter) on the Italian-born cellist Francesco Mastromatteo.
Janos Gereben - January 29, 2009
The late James Schwabacher established a debut recital series 26 years ago, providing performance opportunities for young singers many of whom have gone on to great fame.