Ear training

Grace Cathedral Choir of Girls

Since its foundation, Grace Cathedral has echoed with the sounds of children singing. Our Cathedral Choir is deeply grounded in the Anglican practice of educating children to sing and lead in the liturgy. We know how important choristers are to the life of the world, and how deeply formative their education is.

Grand Feature Film Orchestra - community/youth ensemble (GFFO)

The Grand Feature Film Orchestra (GFFO)

We're a non-profit San Francisco Bay Area student/community group based in Vacaville, California.  With a passion for how music, sound effects, and visual media come together to tell stories, The Grand Feature Film Orchestra studies, rehearses, and presents creative original and restored film scores live with the movie. Films from Chaplin, Lloyd, Keaton, Lang, and more, come to life with the music perfectly synchronized with the action on the screen.