
San Francisco Boys Chorus Preparatory Chorus Level I

Prep Chorus (Level I) students meet for one hour, once per week to enjoy an early-childhood program designed to encourage enthusiasm and appreciation for music in SFBC’s youngest choristers ranging from grades K-1. Preps learn vocal placement in the head voice, as well as basic repertoire through age-appropriate games. They also learn the balance between fun and focus, with a curriculum designed for short attention spans. Rehearsals in either San Francisco or Oakland.

Polonsky Piano School Group Piano

We offer group piano classes for different age groups: ages 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, and 13-16 year olds. Maximum of 6 students in a class. In this class our students learn the art of piano playing in a fun, and easy environment, more relaxed than in individual lessons. Young kids develop their musical abilities - rhythm, ear training, musical memory, musical literacy, elementary theory, etc. Some children will go on to individual lessons after attending this class for a few months, others just love to learn piano in this setting.