
David Bratman - January 8, 2013

Symphony Silicon Valley is returning once more to the historical theatrical roots of its venue, the California Theatre in San Jose, with an all-Kurt Weill program on January 12-13.

Jonathan Rhodes Lee - December 16, 2012

Under the baton of an acclaimed guest conductor, Philharmonia Baroque offers a joyful program of Christmas cheer.

David Bratman - December 3, 2012

If there’s a Great American Symphony, it’s Roy Harris’ rugged Third from 1938, a fitting companion for “Decoration Day” from Charles Ives’ Holiday's Symphony also on the program from an intrepid amateur community ensemble, the Palo Alto Philharmonic.

Jeff Dunn - December 3, 2012

Berkeley Symphony and their music director, Joana Carneiro deeply engage contemporary symphonic music in all its diversity. 

David Bratman - November 28, 2012

This combination ought to make people sit up and take notice: conductor George Cleve and pianist Peter Serkin performing Brahms’ First Piano Concerto. 

David Bratman - November 13, 2012

Always a seasonal highlight, the annual joint holiday concert of the Stanford Symphonic Chorus and the Peninsula Symphony, will this year feature a typically vivid pairing.

Jason Victor Serinus - November 5, 2012

Esa-Pekka Salonen, the composer/conductor who until recent years led the Los Angeles Philharmonic, brings to the Pacific shore the same Philharmonia Orchestra whose many recordings with some of the greatest conductors of the latter 20th century have achieved legendary status.

Jeff Dunn - November 5, 2012

The Oakland East Bay Symphony concludes the national election work week with all American composers.

Steven Winn - October 27, 2012

Tis the season for late Brahms, and the San Francisco Symphony under late replacement conductor Asher Fisch delivered a somber, powerful reading of the composer’s last symphony.

Michelle Dulak Thomson - October 26, 2012

We were all grateful for Esa-Pekka Salonen’s tenure as music director of the Los Angeles Philharmonic. But we’re even happier to see him creating works like this brilliant Violin Concerto.