Chamber Music

Niels Swinkels - February 16, 2016

With friends Barry Shiffman and Zuill Bailey, Cypress Quartet gave fluid performances of Brahms’ sextets.

Giacomo Fiore - February 4, 2016

The composer’s early piano sonata and an Andrew Imbrie’s Earplay Fantasy dominated the proceedings.

Rebecca Wishnia - February 2, 2016

The Ives Quartet has morphed into the Ives Collective, which began 2016 with Messiaen’s Quartet for the End of Time

Rebecca Wishnia - January 11, 2016

The group lived up to its “hip, unstuffy” reputation at St. Mark’s Lutheran in San Francisco.

Steve Osborn - December 14, 2015

The Pacifica Quartet communicate so strongly during a performance, they’re as engaging as the music.

Joe Cadagin - November 18, 2015

The quartet shifted seamlessly between genres in a wide-ranging program.

David Bratman - November 17, 2015

Mozart’s Quintet for Piano and Winds was part of the New York-based quintet’s bright and brash program at the Trianon Theatre in San Jose.

Steven Winn - November 12, 2015

It was the lesser-known of three piano quintets that shone in an inspired performance.

David Bratman - October 26, 2015

The San Jose Chamber Music Society kicked off its season with a lively program split between Latin American and European composers.

Jeff Kaliss - October 22, 2015

The annual event, which celebrates the diversity of the Bay Area musical community, examines Asian-American jazz for this year’s “Field Report.”