The St. John's Choir School follows the Royal School of Church Music in America (RSCM) curriculum. This curriculum provides our choristers with a complete musical education, balancing fundamentals of music theory, musicianship, and vocal skills along with kid-friendly choral repertoire. Our rehearsals are enlivened with friendly team competition to motivate our choristers to master musical skills and concepts--by doing so, they earn their RSCM medals at the end of each year. The medals are internationally recognized as emblematic of real musical skills and levels attained, and are highly prized by each chorister. Our choir leads the 10AM liturgy at St. John's on the second Sunday of each month, singing hymns, service music, and choral repertoire, as well as leading special services at Christmas and Easter.
Yes. No child is turned away for lack of funds.
St. John's Choir School
St. John's Episcopal Church
14 Lagunitas Road
Ross, CA 94957
United States