The Finnish Hall and membership association has historically served both immigrants and those seeking connection with their Finnish heritage and cultural practices. The Finnish Heritage Society was formerly known as Lodge 21, which was the second largest lodge in the United Finnish Kaleva Brothers & Sisters association. Activities at the Finnish Hall have included stage plays, dances, orchestra, choruses, folk dancing, lending library, public dances, concerts, voting for Finnish national elections, movies, arts shows, poetry readings, and benefits.
Today, all Hall and Finnish Heritage Society events are open to the public, regardless of their heritage. The Berkeley Finnish Hall and Finnish Heritage Society seek to promote social welfare for the entire community by making the Hall available for community events open to all members of the public. Events here are related to dance, art, music, history, health and wellness, and other community functions. FHS educates the public about Finnish heritage, culture, and traditions, and upholds the mission and values of the Finnish immigrant community that built the hall in 1932.