David Milnes, Music Director
Debussy - Jeux
Gershwin - An American in Paris
Rachmaninoff - Symphonic Dances
Established in 1923, the UC Berkeley Symphony Orchestra is the oldest performing arts ensemble in the University of California system. Throughout its long history, the orchestra has provided students and other members of the campus community with the opportunity to expand their musical talents, while at the same time presenting outstanding musical programs to the campus and wider Bay Area communities. Past conductors have included Modeste Alloo, Albert Elkus, Joaquin Nin-Culmell, Michael Senturia, and Jung Ho-Pak. David Milnes, who is also Music Director for the San Francisco Contemporary Music Players, has served as the University Symphony Orchestra’s Music Director since 1996. Rehearsing and performing works of faculty and graduate student composers has long been a core mission for the orchestra; the Symphony’s program regularly feature the world premiere of a major new work by a Berkeley composer. In addition, the orchestra has premiered several works of established composers. The University Symphony Orchestra now performs several evening and noon concerts each semester, supports a chamber orchestra, and continues during the summer months as the UC Berkeley Summer Symphony. An annual concerto competition results in concerto performances by the orchestra’s leading soloists, and regular coaching for each section are given by a number of Bay Area professional musicians.
Tickets: $30 general admission, $20 seniors, students, UCB staff, $10 UCB students, children under 12 at the door, $5 UCB students, children under 12 advance