Javanese Gamelan

Presented by UC Berkeley Music Department


Late twentieth-century works for Javanese Gamelan Concerto for Piano and Gamelan by Lou Harrison (1917-2003)

Gamelan compositions by leading Javanese composers K.R.T. Wasitodiningrat (known as Pak Cokro, 1909-2007), and Ki Nartosabdho (1925-1985)

Gamelan Sari Raras directed by Midiyanto and Ben Brinner

Featuring soloists Sarah Cahill (piano) and Heni Savitri (vocals)

Tickets: $16 General Admission, $12 Senior, Student (non-UCB), UCB Faculty/Staff, $5 UCB students

City: Berkeley
Price Range:

Hertz Hall, UC Berkeley Campus

Hertz Hall, UC Berkeley Campus

101 Cross-Sproul Path
Berkeley, CA 94704
United States