Adam Bregman: More Musica Practica (3 of 3)—Mensuration and Tactus

Presented by San Francisco Early Music Society

Adam Bregman, Workshop Instructor

 More musica practica: Seeing Renaissance Music through the Eyes of Renaissance Musicians

This three-week course will take participants through the main aspects of late Medieval and Renaissance “practical music” to help develop a better understanding of the way that fourteenth-, fifteenth-, and sixteenth-century musicians approached the music they performed. Topics will include musica recta and musica ficta, cadences, the musical modes (tones), and mensuration signs.

Class 3 (5/23): Mensuration and Tactus

Our final class in this miniseries on musica practica will take us one step closer to original notation, where we’ll study rhythm, meter, and pulse through fifteenth-century mensuration signs (i.e., time signatures) and tactus (beat).

A=440. All instruments/voices (incl. texted music) and levels of experience welcome, however prior knowledge of solmization and the hexachord system is a plus.

Join the San Francisco Early Music Society for three months of virtual class offerings from our Baroque, Classical, Medieval/Renaissance, and Recorder Workshops! Whether you are a casual listener or a dedicated community player, we have over 100 lectures, demonstrations, and play-along sessions just for you.

Price Range:


Adam Bregman Workshop Instructor