November 3, 4, 10, and 11 at 8pm; November 5 and 12 at 2pm
You know that thing? When you feel like you can never be yourself because the "NORM" says you are too Gay and too Mexican, so they just cast you aside like a glittery sombrero? This piece is very that. Foxes, Bunnies, Femme Boys - Oh my! - are the travelers Entre Despierto Y Dormido. In this new work by Rogelio Lopez and Dancers, fantasies, anxieties, and a floral print merge on a search for an essential essence that has been shamed away. A search that feels futile because the "self" has been stripped, replaced, and tweaked so often that authenticity exists merely as a concept. This piece is an outpouring cry of a person who has put to sleep so much of himself in order to "succeed" in a society that constantly reminds him that he doesn't belong.
$20 - Community; $30 - General Admission; $50 - Dance Supporter.