Dynamic duo violinist Roberto Cani and pianist Inna Faliks perform the iconic work of Beethoven’s ‘Kreutzer Sonata’ on what was Pittance Chamber Music’s first public concert in over a year, for a distanced, vaccinated audience. You won’t want to miss this exuberant and passionate return to the stage. This free virtual performance (donations are encouraged) can be viewed from the Pittance home page at https://pittancechambermusic.org on Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. (PDT) and will be available for streaming on demand following its premiere.
Pittance Chamber Music was created in 2013 by Artistic Director Lisa Sutton, Assistant Concertmaster of the Los Angeles Opera Orchestra, to showcase the extraordinary musicians who perform in the opera pit, moving them from the pit to the stage to perform in small ensembles (hence the name Pittance).
For more information, please visit the Pittance website, visit https://www.facebook.com/pittancechambermusic, or contact us at [email protected]