Vienna-based Minetti Quartett brings to Kohl Mansion its "captivating transparency, drama, accuracy...with lightness and depth" (Frankfurter Allgemeine) in a program spanning a century and a half of the Austro-Hungarian empire.
Haydn: String Quartet in G minor, Op. 74/3, Hob. III:74, "The Rider"
Alban Berg: String Quartet, Op. 3
Dvorak: String Quartet No. 13 in G Major, Op. 106, B.192
Since being nominated for the "Rising Stars" award by the European Concert Hall Organization in 2008/09, the Minetti Quartett has performed in many renowned venues throughout Europe and toured internationally to North, Central and South America, Australia, Japan and China, as well as recording extensively. The Minetti Quartett is a winner of many international chamber music competitions (Schubert Competition, Haydn Competition) and was awarded Austria's Grosser Gradus ad Parnassum Prize.
Free master class with visiting artists and Young Chamber Musicians at 5pm.
Free pre-concert talk by musicologist Kai Christiansen at 6 pm.
Meet the artists following the concert at our complimentary reception in Kohl Mansion's historic dining room.