Come join the Golden Gate Men’s Chorus for a summer celebration of the poetry and music that help define our American journey and that gave rise this summer to The Voice of America. From beautiful settings of traditional American songs to contemporary choral settings of Walt Whitman poetry, Maya Angelou essays, and Sara Teasdale sonnets, guest conductor Zane Fiala will share an evening of the finest music sung by the award winning, internationally recognized, premier male ensemble: the Golden Gate Men’s Chorus. Come hear David Conte’s Dance, Rollo Dilworth’s, Why a Caged Bird Sings, Elliott Carter’s Emblems, Oscar Peterson’s Hymn to Freedom, and David Brunner’s Brothers of the Singing Void. You will also hear arrangements of traditional songs:Shenandoah, Black is the Color of My True Love’s Hair, and The Road Home.
Let The Voice of America remind us all of the healing power of words and music. Let the words and music help us all aspire to “The Better Angels of Our Nature” as we all join our hearts, hands, and voices in song.