Masterful Fun

Presented by Espressivo - A Small, Intense Orchestra


Espressivo—a small, intense orchestra—presents an afternoon of witty music on Sunday, January 26th, 4 pm, at Peace United Church of Christ, 900 High St., in Santa Cruz. Titled “Masterful Fun,” the program consists of Beethoven’s youthful “Octet for Wind Instruments;” Bohuslav Martinu’s smiling farewell to life, the “Second Nonet;” Judith Weir’s “Airs from Another Planet,” a space-age take on traditional Highland tunes; and Jean Francaix’s “Hommage à l’Ami Papageno,” a medley of tunes from Mozart’s The Magic Flute, recombined and decked out in jazzy harmonies.

Espressivo is an ensemble of professional musicians culled from the Bay Area and the Central Coast. Now in its fifth season, it presents itself in a varying array from a dozen to two dozen players. Its Artistic Director/Conductor is Michel Singher.

Tickets will be available at the door, but may be ordered online at

For further information, contact Marketing Director Virginia Lieb at (831) 228-1098

Price Range:
$15 - $37

Program Items

Ludwig van Beethoven Octet Op. 103 for Wind Instruments;”
Bohuslav Martinú Nonet Nr. 2
Judith Weir Airs from Another Planet
Jean Francaix Hommage à l’ami Papageno - Fantasy on favorite tunes from The Magic Flute by W.A. Mozart


Michel Singher Conductor