Earplay’s 38th season continues on March 27th with a concert program that traverses the topical, the poetic, and the sonic space where they overlap. From the concert’s title piece, San Francisco Symphony’s Music Director Esa-Pekka Salonen’s knock, breathe, shine and its adventurous trajectory for solo cello; to Laura Schwendinger’s The Flock Ascends for full ensemble in homage to Toru Takemitsu’s A Flock Descends into the Pentagonal Garden; through the emotional cadence of Kate Whitley’s Three Pieces for violin and piano; Richard Festinger’s James Joyce Settings, and the composer’s deft musical expression of the poet’s timeless lyricism; and finally, Sofia Rocha’s Scenes of Night. Rocha is the inaugural winner of Earplay’s Vibrant Shores Prize, which launched in spring 2022.
Performing on this concert will be core Earplayers, Terrie Baune (vn), Tod Brody (fl), Peter Josheff (cl), Thalia Moore (vc), Ellen Ruth Rose (va), and Brenda Tom, conducted by Mary Chun. Earplay will be joined by stellar guest artists that include Keisuke Nakagoshi (pn) and Winnie Nieh (soprano). Concert begins at 7:30; pre-show dialogue at 6:45. Reception TBD.