Mar 28, 4:30pm + 6pm
The 8th San Francisco Tiny Dance Film Festival features features short dance films (10 minutes or under) from across the globe. TDFF prioritizes films that stretch into new territory, challenge dominant narratives, and embrace brevity.
Tiny Dance Film Festival celebrates compelling film work from choreographers & filmmakers who don't just embody the term "dance for the camera," but more so, "dance with the camera." This delicate, complicated relationship between body and lens -- and the choreographers who traverse both forms -- is the focus of TDFF.
There's still plenty of room for dance filmmakers and producers to stretch into new territory. TDFF, which prioritizes dance filmmakers who embrace brevity and experimentation alongside grassroots gusto, promises to be an exciting entree of dance films for the connoisseur and curious alike.
TDFF is produced by detour dance. detour dance is an interdisciplinary performance company that creates and presents live work and film. We activate and engage audiences, support artists, promote the visibility of queer people of color, and build community.