The Break-Up! A Latina Queer Torch Song

Presented by Brava! for Women in the Arts

Thursday, June 3, 8pm PST - Live Virtual Performance; Sunday, June 13, 2pm PST - Encore Recorded Performance 


Brava presents Tina D'Elia in "The Break-Up! A Queer Latina Torch Song"


Show in Development


Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 8pm PST - Live Virtual Performance


Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 2pm PST - Encore Recorded Performance


In Tina D'Elia's latest solo show, "The Break Up!", mixed-race Latina lesbian, Trina Marina, thought she had met her Rom Com movie Butch of her dreams. Now, a lonely-hearts lesbian vlog, memories of her ex-girlfriend's cats, pigeons at her windowsill, and songs of heartache fill her days. First step to healing, find a queer support group. Unless it's a trap door to the reanimated Mad Hatter Tea Party.


$10 - $15 sliding scale.

Price Range:
$10 - $15