What is a sound sculpture? How does one compose music for space?
Audium’s workshop series will introduce participants to the language of composing for “sound-sculptured space”. Learn how to think beyond just one's eyes and ears - to the entire experience - when planning sound installations. Meet the composers behind Audium, sample what they're working on, and learn about the art of sound movement.
Led by composers Stan Shaff & David Shaff, and technical director Paul Barton. Stan Shaff, co-founder of Audium, will be on hand to give his thoughts and experience from 50+ years of experimentation in electronic music composition and spatial sound design. The evening will begin with a brief history of the space and a demonstration of its capabilities. After, we will reflect on the language of spatial composition, and learn the elements necessary to create one's own spatial audio environment. Paul Barton, Audium’s current equipment designer, will talk about Audium’s tech setup. There will be plenty of time for participant Q&A and interaction. Apply the concepts of sound and space to your own projects!
Questions? Contact [email protected]
Please arrive on time; late arrivals will miss the demonstration.