Patricia has developed a new piano method for young students, ages 5 to 7 yrs. It's called Sing and Play; which uses the voice to learn music and then play it on the piano with good form in a musical way. It is based on Kodaly's vision for teaching music to everyone.
This method is adapted to older students and adults as well. It results in the student processing the music differently and more musically. Learning is easier, and challenging musicianship skills are easily developed.
Singing instruction emphasizes state-of-the-art techniques and exercises for relaxing and strengthening the voice, for extending the vocal range, and for bridging vocal breaks.
For more information, email or call me. You'll find me to be friendly and caring. I use intuitive problem solving skills to get to the underlining problem and resolve it with personalized exercises. My students perform very beautifully and musically; including my professional students. All levels welcome.
37.2374847, -121.8277925
San Jose, CA (95123)
Full Name:
Patricia Mahadevi
Contact Phone:
Contact Email:
Institutional Affiliation:
Music Teacher's Association of California (MTAC), Organization of Kodaly Educators (OAKE), Northern California Association of Kodaly Educators (NCAKE)
Music Styles:
Broadway, Jazz, Popular, Classical, Folk
Instrument/Voice Types Taught:
Piano, Soprano
Age Ranges:
Middle School
High School
5 and up
Patricia has a Bachelor of Music from the Conservatory Program of California State University, Los Angeles, and has been teaching beginning to advanced level students in piano and voice for more than a decade.
She is currently enrolled in the Masters of Music Education with an Emphasis in Kodaly program at
Holy Names University.
Years Teaching:
Lesson Rate:
$30 to $60/hour
Teaching Method:
Developed new methods for piano and voice
Makes House Calls: