My name is Lauren Gatzka and I am a classically trained coloratura soprano. I have studied classical voice the last nine years and have also expanded my repertoire to include Broadway and pop styles. I have been teaching and coaching for the last five years and that all takes place in my student's homes. My primary teaching philosophy is to promote healthy singing for longevity in a singing career by use of the Alexander method of breathing. In my coaching, I work on phrasing, overall performance, connection with the audience and so forth.
37.8213111, -121.9131761
Danville, CA (94506)
Full Name:
Lauren Gatzka
Contact Phone:
Contact Email:
Music Styles:
Classical, Broadway, Pop/Rock
Instrument/Voice Types Taught:
Coloratura Soprano
Age Ranges:
Vocal Performance at Middle Tennessee State University
Vocal Performance at Diablo Valley College
Years Teaching:
Lesson Rate:
$30/half hr., $45/45 mins., $55/Hr.
Teaching Method:
Makes House Calls: