Aimée Ts'ao

Aimée Tsao is a San Francisco-based dance writer, former professional dancer (both ballet and modern), intermittent dance teacher, dabbler in choreography, and avid cat lover.

Articles By This Author

Aimée Ts'ao - March 8, 2024

The Bay Area dance maker is piecing together a premiere for the Presidio Theatre with a fantastically collaborative creative team.

Aimée Ts'ao - February 23, 2024

Decent Structures Arts stages the choreographer’s new work, Put Away the Fire, dear, for its S.F. debut.

Aimée Ts'ao - February 6, 2024

Tamara Rojo’s next program for the company draws on her time in England and makes some surprising connections with the Bay Area.

Aimée Ts'ao - February 5, 2024

A cast of African dancers has reimagined Pina Bausch’s 1975 choreography for the work and is now touring internationally.

Aimée Ts'ao - January 29, 2024

The choreographer’s company is gearing up for a pair of multimedia world premieres on this foundational theme.

Aimée Ts'ao - January 23, 2024

Having absorbed many different techniques, Barton is less interested in stretching boundaries than obliterating them.

Aimée Ts'ao - December 4, 2023

Bay Area choreographers Sarah Crowell and Keith Hennessy have nurtured conversation and community with their collaboration.

Aimée Ts'ao - November 27, 2023

There’s a mission at the root of the company, now four decades old, that will be on display in its Cal Performances debut.

Aimée Ts'ao - October 24, 2023

Having performed Mowgli onstage as a boy, Khan is now revisiting the story in Jungle Book reimagined.

Aimée Ts'ao - July 18, 2023

The flamenco star and her collaborators pour personal experience and a message for our times into a new multimedia dance work.