
Jessica Balik - February 24, 2020

Soprano Julie Adams joins the collaborative chamber orchestra in Samuel Barber’s poignant Knoxville.

Jim Farber - February 24, 2020

Four Larks transforms Mary Shelley’s tale, awkwardly.

Nicholas Jones - February 24, 2020

Three of the restored violins take the limelight in a Vivaldi concerto.

Janice Berman - February 23, 2020

Paul Taylor’s dances are as timeless and moving as ever at the YBCA.

Jim Farber - February 18, 2020

The second weekend of the LA Phil’s exploration of Weimar culture was capped by two of Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill’s memorable collaborations.

Catriona Barr - February 18, 2020

The keyboard virtuosos know how to thrill and chill, but also how to connect intimately with their rapt listeners.

Andrew Gilbert - February 18, 2020

The Spanish pianist debuts his new album at Red Poppy Art House.

David Bratman - February 17, 2020

The Ariel Quartet plays two of the warhorses in the repertoire, in concert at Kohl Mansion.

Steven Winn - February 17, 2020

Film composer Aaron Zigman’s Tango Manos is the highlight of this festive valentine of a concert.

Ilana Walder-Biesanz - February 17, 2020

It’s an all-out production, and singers and orchestra shine.