
Jason Victor Serinus - October 21, 2011

A big-voice operatic soprano crafts an unforgettable, intimate recital at the Salon of the Hotel Rex

Jeff Dunn - October 20, 2011

It’s about time for the American composer’s symphonies to be heard again, and the Seattle Symphony under Gerard Schwarz does him honor.

Anatole Leikin - October 18, 2011

A two-CD set celebrates the bicentennial of Franz Liszt’s birth, revealing threads connecting that visionary to other composers of note.

Steven Winn - October 17, 2011

In its second of three all-Tchaikovsky concerts, the Mariinsky Orchestra shines a revealing light on the Fifth Symphony, giving it both dramatic urgency and ravishing lyricism.

Steven Winn - October 17, 2011

Valery Gergiev’s Mariinsky Orchestra, playing two Tchaikovsky symphonies, scrubbed the varnish off the Pathétique and made “Winter Dreams” sound substantial.

Janos Gereben - October 17, 2011

José Luis Moscovich’s West Bay Opera again puts on a miracle of a production, on a small stage but with a big heart and an abundance of talent.

Thomas Busse - October 17, 2011

With superb soloists and instrumentalists, Magnificat delivers a perfect rendition of Charpentier’s masque Descent of Orpheus Into the Underworld.

Jason Victor Serinus - October 16, 2011

San Francisco Opera unveiled director Gabriele Lavia's new production of Mozart's Don Giovanni in what revealed to be a thrilling and inspiring Hall of Mirrors.

Jonathan Rhodes Lee - October 15, 2011

Martin Scorsese's documentary on George Harrison's life gives us his life in the same intuitive, slightly mysterious manner as the musician expressed himself

Janice Berman - October 15, 2011

Resin — a stunning new ballet created for the Alonzo King LINES Ballet — is a cohesive suite of dances that is continuously spellbinding with dancers who are glorious interpreters and enhancers of rhythm and melody.