
Janos Gereben - November 19, 2011

Thursday's German Requiem offered yet another grand performance from the S.F. Symphony, an unforgettable one by Ragnar Bohlin's brilliant SFS Chorus, and yet something refreshingly different from other approaches. 

Scott Cmiel - November 16, 2011

A classical guitarist circles the globe in his program, which he played with complete mastery and ravishing color.

Anatole Leikin - November 16, 2011

Pianist Alexander Melnikov enchants listeners with his playing of the entire set of Shostakovich Preludes and Fugures.

Jerry Kuderna - November 15, 2011

A performer and scholar plays and talks about J.S. Bach’s French Suites, performing them on a triplet of harpsichords variously tuned. The result: hearing them better than ever.

Edward Ortiz - November 15, 2011

The free Festival of New American Music, in Sacramento, presents a variety of welcome works that bode well for the future.

Thomas Busse - November 15, 2011

In its 20th season, Magnificat brings an ancient biblical oratorio to life in a manner the composer would have recognized.

Steve Osborn - November 14, 2011

The Santa Rosa Symphony performs David Carlson’s new song cycle, whose text was impassioned but mostly unintelligible.

David Bratman - November 14, 2011

The S.F. Symphony delivers an excellent program displaying Schubert’s varied moods and idioms.

Jason Victor Serinus - November 14, 2011

SFCV’s critic visits New York to review a dark new chamber opera involving polygamy ... obsession.

Be'eri Moalem - November 12, 2011

In his second of three "Project San Francisco" appearances this year, Joshua Bell gave a recital at Davies Symphony Hall in another demonstration of superb bow control and the ability to make the audience swoon.