
Michelle Dulak Thomson - January 9, 2012

Joshua Bell with accompanist Jeremy Denk go for the poetry and beauty in Ravel, Franck, and Saint-Saëns.

Janos Gereben - January 7, 2012

A pleasant outing to the Symphony provides ranges from wild to superb and back again, with music that sweeps S.F. audiences to their feet.

David Bratman - January 3, 2012

The small but powerful S.F. Chamber Orchestra brings the virtues of midperiod Beethoven to top of mind.

Jason Victor Serinus - January 3, 2012

Top soprano Angela Gheorghiu records a homage album, while EMI repackages Callas's recorded legacy yet again — this time with a new twist.

Scott MacClelland - December 19, 2011

Love and sacrifice gone awry lie at the heart of a famous short story, now set as a one-act opera.

Thomas Busse - December 19, 2011

An assortment of early-music forces perform a festive Christmas Vespers from 1660.

Jason Victor Serinus - December 16, 2011

A CD resplendent with Liszt lieder stands among the finest recorded interpretations available.

Michelle Dulak Thomson - December 13, 2011

An artist who defies the stereotype: To play the violin and then the viola? James Ehnes sounds brilliant on both.

Steve Osborn - December 13, 2011

Massed forces in Santa Rosa undertake the mighty Brahms Requiem, seasoned with several spirituals.

Anatole Leikin - December 13, 2011

Precision in playing C.P.E. Bach marks the local recital debut of a noted German pianist and conductor.