
Ken Iisaka - March 3, 2012

An indefatigable keyboard artist plays the “B”s out of Bach, Beethoven, and Bartók.

Georgia Rowe - March 2, 2012

The NCCO, under Music Director Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg, pushes the margins a little bit further with an illuminating program featuring two contrasting, yet ultimately congenial, mandolin concertos.

Be'eri Moalem - February 27, 2012

Swell sounds, and the sound of swells, highlight an intriguing recital by a Dutch wind quintet.

Scott Cmiel - February 27, 2012

An appealing program pairs a flutist with a guitarist, performing classical and jazz works in their own vivid arrangements.

Jason Victor Serinus - February 27, 2012

Taking cues from the first surviving copy of St. Matthew Passion, The ABS presents a fresh, more intimate rendition of extraordinary beauty and power.

Ken Iisaka - February 26, 2012

Beloved Bach variations receive a full-on orchestral treatment, to joyous and memorable effect.

Thomas Busse - February 26, 2012

A familiar Beethoven symphony works at cross-purposes with two rarities by European Jewish composers.

Edward Ortiz - February 26, 2012

Although less than “grand,” a respectable production of Rigoletto is given at the Sacramento Community Center.

Janice Berman - February 26, 2012

In “Story/Time” Bill T. Jones uses chance, dance, music, and narrative to make every minute count.

Jason Victor Serinus - February 24, 2012

A masterful opera on Blu-ray grippingly depicts Nazi brutality and the horrors of war.