
Georgia Rowe - May 25, 2012

The Finnish conductor Osmo Vänskä returns to the S.F. Symphony with violinist Hilary Hahn, and the results with the orchestra are, once again, exemplary.

Jason Victor Serinus - May 25, 2012

Famed male vocal ensemble Chanticleer remains in top form under an interim music director, if not recorded in its full splendor on this new CD.

David Littlejohn - May 22, 2012

L.A. Philharmonic’s triumphant, in-your-face Don Giovanni blazes with excitement and intimacy, leaving our critic dazzled, even by architect Frank Gehry’s design elements.

Jeff Kaliss - May 21, 2012

The Oakland East Bay Symphony certainly can play, but can it swing? Its season-ending program, of new works and tried-and-true ones, was a mixed bag.

Be'eri Moalem - May 21, 2012

Beethoven gets a full-dress treatment, on Robert Levin’s fortepiano and Steven Isserlis’ gut-strings cello, in a pair of recitals.

Michelle Dulak Thomson - May 18, 2012

Handel’s little-known opera Atalanta receives a delightful outing in Philharmonia Baroque’s new release, sung by a stellar cast — in perhaps the sole recording in print.

Georgia Rowe - May 15, 2012

The N.Y. Philharmonic arrived bearing gifts over the weekend as part of the S.F. Symphony’s American Orchestra Series, and the rewards were manifold.

Be'eri Moalem - May 12, 2012

New Century Chamber Orchestra premieres a concerto reflective of commedia dell’arte, with some of its japes and jabs turned into lively sound.

David Bratman - May 11, 2012

A robust celebration of San Francisco's early musical days is, to use an old phrase, a hoot and a half.

Jason Victor Serinus - May 11, 2012

Youthful pianist Orion Weiss plays the racing stripes off Gershwin classic vehicles, with the Buffalo Philharmonic along for the ride.