
Georgia Rowe - August 3, 2012

A ripe-to-bursting Mozart opera, rarely performed, dallies in the garden of earthly delights, peopled by stalwarts of S.F. Opera’s Merola Program.

Michelle Dulak Thomson - August 3, 2012

Magnificent playing, a fine new work commissioned from Lera Auerbach, and penetrating emotional currents mark violinist Vadim Gluzman’s new disc.

Robert P. Commanday - August 1, 2012

“Here’s a how-de-do!” — the Lamplighters lend their storied charm to another bright production of Gilbert and Sullivan’s witty, belovedMikado.

Jessica Hilo - August 1, 2012

Music added and power to a multimedia presentation of stories from the Kitchen Sisters’ Hidden World of Girls, sometimes at the expense of understanding.

David Bratman - July 31, 2012

Expressionism and musical storytelling comes to Music@Menlo, via pungent works by Respighi, Herrmann, Caplet, and Stravinsky.

Georgia Rowe - July 31, 2012

Sins of the flesh, and of the blackjack table, provide reasonably entertaining fodder in a new double-bill in El Cerrito.

Jason Victor Serinus - July 30, 2012

A mezzo/baritone recital proves disappointing and far less romantic than might be expected from the performers and their repertory.

Janos Gereben - July 23, 2012

No longer a Silicon Valley startup, Music@Menlo is a mature decade old and Program 1 Sunday evening was for the ages.

Scott MacClelland - July 23, 2012

Fine playing at the Carmel Bach Festival brings sparkle to Stravinsky and the odd choice of valveless horns to Brahms.

Janos Gereben - July 22, 2012

The Festival del Sole featured dancers from the Bolshoi ballet in an impressive program with a spectacular surprise.