
Jason Victor Serinus - November 11, 2012

There were many beautiful moments in Kate Royal’s recital, some offered unqualified success, others made clear that are still lessons to be learned.

Jonathan Rhodes Lee - November 11, 2012

Emanuel Ax and the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra are brilliantly matched, offering a set from Beethoven’s middle period.

Jeff Dunn - November 10, 2012

The opening night concert at Oakland's Paramount Theatre for the OEBS officially celebrated Democracy, in tune with the recent national election, and aptly symbolized in the programming.

Scott Cmiel - November 9, 2012

Benjamin Verdery brandishes his guitar in open and inviting ways, in both familiar songs and insightful commissioned works.

David Bratman - November 7, 2012

The Calder Quartet filled in at the San Jose Chamber Music Society in a program of fairly severe pieces that push, in one way or another, at the edge of the quartet idiom practice of their time.

Ken Iisaka - November 6, 2012

That keyboard artist Jean-Yves Thibaudet works his magic on Debussy’s impressionistic and orientalist works.

Be'eri Moalem - November 6, 2012

A performance by ARTefact provides an exercise in expectation affecting perception, which becomes the highlight of the concert.

Jeff Dunn - November 6, 2012

Sponsored by Other Minds and a team of organizations including Cal Performances, the concerts celebrating Conlon Nancarrow's 100th at UC Berkeley’s Hertz Hall were a scene of fascination.

Steve Osborn - November 5, 2012

The orchestral might of the Santa Rosa Symphony, under Music Director Bruno Ferrandis, can now truly be heard in the Green Music Center’s splendid acoustics.

Jeff Kaliss - November 5, 2012

Exotic elements hold great appeal when mixed and matched suavely by the Ultra World X-tet.