
Brett Campbell - January 4, 2013

Composer Arvo Pärt remains haunted by the Bible’s Adam, and a new CD reflects his probing musical ideas.

Steven Winn - December 23, 2012

The American Bach Soloists presented the Messiah to great effect; the music took advantage of the striking atmospheric advantages in San Francisco’s grandest sacred space, and met the challenge of connecting — personally —  to the listener in such a large, reverberant canyon.

David Bratman - December 18, 2012

In an at-home yet grand setting, the Aulos Ensemble play music the large Bach family might have assembled for its own entertainment.

Brett Campbell - December 17, 2012

Virtuosic playing takes center stage on eighth blackbird’s latest CD, sometimes at the expense of the music’s power and beauty.

Niels Swinkels - December 17, 2012

Bach’s summation of his art as a composer, his Mass in B Minor, made for a healing concert the day after a horrific event.

Jonathan Rhodes Lee - December 16, 2012

Under the baton of an acclaimed guest conductor, Philharmonia Baroque offers a joyful program of Christmas cheer.

David Bratman - December 14, 2012

The New Century Chamber Orchestra’s concert featuring The Four Seasons was bursting with soloists; almost every member of the 20-strong string (and harpsichord continuo) ensemble had a turn.

Michelle Dulak Thomson - December 14, 2012

Dazzling pacing and sumptuous playing mark performances by the Tokyo Quartet’s two guest soloists.

Georgia Rowe - December 13, 2012

In her farewell-to-San Francisco recital at the Hotel Rex, soprano Nadine Sierra gave a memorable performance throughout; her warmth and intelligence shone through.

Ken Iisaka - December 10, 2012

A premiere, a polyrhythmic Ligeti piano concerto, and a revered symphony make up the bill of fare at the Berkeley Symphony.