
Michelle Dulak Thomson - March 6, 2013

Even with orchestra coming to the fore in Brahms’ violin concerto, Lisa Batiashvili struts her magnificent stuff.

Ken Iisaka - March 5, 2013

Is this fine young pianist pushing (or being pushed) too hard? A bewildering mix of excellence and vulgarity were uncomfortably placed side by side in Saturday’s recital.

Niels Swinkels - March 5, 2013

A rare outing for two unusual instruments sets apart American Bach Soloists’ splendid performance, with soloists Elizabeth Blumenstock and Debra Nagy.

Maggee VanSpeybroeck - March 4, 2013

A range of women composers take center stage in S.F. Choral Artists’ latest program.

Scott Cmiel - March 4, 2013

Playing the works of composers who were also instrumentalists, guitarist David Russell proves to be their masterful advocate.

Be'eri Moalem - March 4, 2013

Other Minds Festival finishes its season with a flurry of improv, video, electroacoustic works, and reams of imagination.

Janos Gereben - March 4, 2013

The Secret Garden, a joint presentation by the S.F. Opera and Cal Performances, introduces opera to children and families with visuals and performances key to its success.

Donna Stoering - March 3, 2013

Playing a fascinating program of Mozart and Haydn, the Gold Coast Chamber Players’ performance fell short.

Jeff Dunn - March 3, 2013

The first concert of the Other Minds Festival #18 juxtaposes music from Greenland, India, and the Faroe Islands.

Janice Berman - March 2, 2013

You can’t scotch S.F. Ballet’s vigor and its ever-venturesome choreography, whether old or young.